It’s time to grant a legacy !
Hand down your achievements for future generations.
OUR LATEST PUBLICATIONS: a coffee-table book and a graphic novel for the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis
… Our patron, Saint Paul, encouraged the Thessalonians to “in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (Thess 5:18). It is my hope and prayer that this 175th anniversary book, In Everything, Give Thanks, may help us to grow in our gratitude for all that God in his goodness has done for us. While this volume documents failures and shortcomings in our history, my hope is that it will remind us of God’s providential care for those who love him, and inspire us to learn more about the people and events that have shaped this Archdiocese. …
Archbishop Bernard A. Hebda
Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

Graphic novel books
The most profitable and efficient media to tell a story and captivate all audiences!
Click on the cover to discover some sample pages…
Anniversary books
Anniversary books about the stories of the dioceses (full color throughout books).
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